Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm sick of people moving away from noble ambitions and giving in to base desires...fucking sick of it. sick of time wasted. sick of not reaching for the stars while we have our mighty reach - we have a small window of time to do what must be done. sick of mediocrity, but most of all sick of pretending I'm not sick of it.

... It's time to reevaluate a lot of things and shed some things that are no longer inline with the goals that are set and the might of mind possessed. We move on in our lives, it's what we do - those near us that understand us; need us... we need them to(& too). The rest can go to hell. you've given all that you can. you come to the end of yourself. We witness not any movement to actualize change - so I'm sick.

Music? Did you say music? This is what I've been listening to: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart...