Saturday, July 4, 2009

it's official

yea, it's official. blogging for a living does make me less inclined to spend time in front of the computer for pleasure. So that's what accounts for the slow-roll of posts lately.

The real estate gambit is not paying off. The Aston is full so I'm looking to get a "Luxury" apartment at The Columbia Plaza, which is just a few blocks from GW. I have to call them on Monday to see if they have a unit available...hey, for a Texas boy, it'll be kind of fancy living in a building with a doorman.

In other news...well there isn't really any other MUSIC TIME!

Here's the new Reno Divorce video - the new album drops in the U.S. on July 21!!!! Can't wait 'til they tour the U.S.!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

oooh fancy shmancy.
I bet it will be a nice change from occasional break-ins and cats that know you hate them.