Thursday, September 24, 2009


Just some random 1am musings (an attempt to avoid writing my office memo):

the gaslight anthem fucking rocks - the best band that i've heard this year. i bet even the Tech Poet would dig on some of this stuff (the "59 Sound" album, maybe not the old stuff).

Being a 1L is getting rough, this is not a healthy lifestyle whatsoever. In bed at 3am every morning. Up by 9 on most mornings. class, class, class. cases, cases, cases. beer. cases. memos. beer (i don't want to go out, but it beats sitting in the library pulling your hair out and cursing dead justices).cheap, processed food (no time to cook)...this can't be good. this can't go on for too much longer...can it?


Jennifer said...

I feel like our lives are very similar- but mine contains much less beer and instead of law it's science. I miss you!

Ernesto Ongaro said...

Thanks for the honorable mention - I'm putting them on my radar to check out.