Hi. Feels good to be back in first person. So, I've been having a bit of a day. Yesterday I brought my Econ book to the office thinking that I would stick around and do a little reading after work and wait for traffic to die down...BIG mistake. As I was driving home it began to rain; and I mean heavy rain. I was stuck in traffic for the better part of an hour and when I finally made it to mid-town all of the streets were flooded. I've never seen the streets like that before; must be a lot of debris from Ike clogging the drainage.
Anyway, I'm like a block from my house when a some a-hole in an f250 comes barreling down the road creating a huge wake that covers my hood. Next thing you know my car is dead. That is pure douchebaggery sir!
Flash forward to now: I'm at home waiting for a tow truck to come get my ride so I can hear whether or not it can be fixed...I so hope it can be fixed' I really like my car; her name is Annabelle.
On the lighter side; I started filling out law school apps last night and I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend at home to work on my personal statement.
BTW, my favorite quote from the weekend camping trip:
TechPoet: What?!?!?! Elton John is NOT gay!!!
Me: That's right!!!! He's a ladies man...he's as straight as Liberace!