as i mentioned before, balance is key. we spend the better part of our week in class and when not in class we're huddled inside the library like a bunch of pasty losers asking each other things like "how does equitable estoppel apply in Ricketts v. Scothorn?"
so when the weekend comes around it's time to have some fun. friday wasn't too much fun, I was really run down from the week and I just wanted to grab a couple of brews and vent a little. Me and a friend went to 51st State and had a few - then we ran into some folks from our section, so we had a few more. Before I knew it we're engaged in discussion about the awesomeness of george strait, and the best method for picking ticks off one another...ok, it was sort of fun. The not fun part was when i got up to answer nature's call. I went and did my thing, but on my way back to the table i started to get that sick-spin-y feeling so i knew it was time to go ... i made it back to my apartment, and immediately stripped, got a blanket and laid on the floor 'til i felt better. then i made the folly of drunk-texting a girl that i don't like all that much (but again: drunk) and set up a date for saturday. when saturday rolled around i had to find a good excuse to get out of it.
saturday rolls around (i did manage to get out of it by saying that i took a nap, and wound up oversleeping ... lame, i know, but it's all i could think of - i'm not that smart) and i wound up meeting two friends, todd and brian, at 51st ... that's when i fell in love. the waitress at 51st is a first year nursing student...she's amazing. nothing happened, but we'll see ;)
we met up with 3 other friends (2 from our section -will and bobby - and one from section 15 - jesse) at 51st and were weighing our options. will knew about a party that some 2Ls were throwing, and todd was all about this jazz bar around the corner in georgetown. we figured more chance of chicks at the party so we went there. the 2Ls embraced us lowly 1Ls and we all just bs-ed, drank, and were merry. until the beer ran about 2am we weren't able to get anymore beer from the keg although we could totally feel that there was beer in there. after about 20 minutes of trying 2 different taps we concluded that there was a problem with both taps - i then had the brilliant idea of disassembling the 2 taps and using the parts to build 1 tap that worked - success! we were back in business!
after a while things got to that drunken stage where people just start yelling out nonsensical things. i was talking to the host of the party and he said he was from massachusetts - todd heard this and asked him if he ever read jack kerouac (b/c kerouac was from lowell, mass.) then todd just starts yelling out kerouac is the fucking man!!! i started arguing that hemingway is the fucking man! todd starts yelling that he wants to go listen to jazz. a great, albeit drunkenly sloppy, literary conversation ensued as everyone on the patio at that moment circled around to give their 2 cents.
after things got tiresome we decided to call it a night as we all had a ton of reading to do. so we gathered our posse and we realized that we were missing one person - we found todd still on the patio in the same conversation. we told todd that we were heading out and asked him if he was coming with. he replied "i want to listen to some jazz." then he resumed his literary conversation. we left.