Even that place is small, but at least I'll be in the same building with other 1Ls that will be sharing in my pain...misery loves company, of course. One thing is for certain; I'll have to make another trip to D.C. to get everything squared away A.S.A.P...
For now I'm consumed with trying to read the books that I want to read, because I know for the next 3 years I'm only going to be able to read what I'm told to read. I just finished my "Trashy Summer Novel": Angels and Demons. It was a bit far fetched, but Dan Brown is a heck of a story teller none the less. I refuse to ruing this story the same way I ruined The DaVinci Code, by seeing the movie. I also read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad on my flights to and from D.C. I've heard this book mentioned practically all my life, but I never realized that it was the inspiration for one of my favorite movies: Apocalypse Now (even though the book was written in 1889)..."the horror"...haha...right now I'm reading The New Influencers, by Paul Gillin. It's non-fiction, it's very informative. Next on my list: This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald...I should probably squeeze in some Graham Greene at some point too...duece!