Ok, let me preface this post by stating, up front, that I'm a Republican. I'm a firebreathing, gun-toting, pro-life, small government Republican. I voted for George W. Bush twice. I have always supported Governor Rick Perry...up until Friday that is.
As most of you know Governor Perry spent this past week going on and on about state's rights. He supported a Texas State House resolution affriming Texas State sovereignty. In support of the resolution Perry stated "I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,". The Governor then followed this statement with a series of national media interviews railing against the Federal Government and relaying the expressed desire for Washington lawmakers to keep thier collective noses out of Texas' business. Governor Perry also attended several "Tea Parties" on tax day, and continually updated his Twitter "tweets" claiming pride for the Texas "patriots" that were fed up with the intrusion of the Federal Government into their lives.
When I heard about what GovernorPerry was doing I was excited; I thought to myself "here's a man that speaks truth to power, here's a man that represents the minority opinion. Here's a man that speaks out against big government spending, and stands up for what he believes is right, not matter how unpopular his position may be." Unfortunately I was decieved - I was wrong. I was suckered in by Rick Perry's shameless pandering to the base of the Texas Republican Party. On Friday, April 17, Governor Perry posted a "tweet" practically begging for Federal asssistance in the wake of torrential showers that left devastation in many parts of Texas...this is a complete reversal of his earlier position of states rights...
...this is complete reversal of his position of not wanting the U.S. government to interfere. So which way do you want it Governor? You can't talk about kicking out the Feds one day, and ask for Federal assistance the next. Men of principal don't do that; only shameless politicians that care for nothing other than votes do that.