i was cold called for a question by my torts professor that i didn't know the answer to...his response? "you make me sick!" ...if that sounds harsh then you really gotta know my torts prof:
on the first day of torts class we weren't supposed to have any assigned reading, so when he asked the class "who's familiar with the cases that i assigned?" about 95 out of the 100 students slinked down in their seats, including me. the other five students raised their hands and eagerly waited to be called on ... the first student that he called on gave the facts of the case pretty much on point; then the professor asked her "what do you think the judge meant when he said [insert obscure latin phrase]?" the poor girl responded "well since i don't speak latin, i have no idea". to which the professor responded "well you do know that they have latin dictionaries in the library, don't you...are you stupid?" ... i sunk even lower in my seat trying to bend his will with my thoughts "please don't call on me. please don't call on me. please don't call on me..." the prof then calls on the next person and she gives the latin translation and interprets the meaning ... to which the prof says "thank you for restoring my faith in humanity" then he turns to the first girl and says "you know what, why don't you get your things and leave for the day? you know what, why don't stay gone until you figure out if you want to go to law school? why don't you rethink your career choice?" at this point everyone that hadn't read the case is fucking freaking out! the poor girl leaves and then the prof goes to board and writes "just kidding" to which we all burst out in laughter and thunderous applause... turns out the girls that had "read the case" were second year students that were in on the joke... haha, phew! this guy has a sense of humor as warped as mine.
we work hard, so we gotta get our fun in somehow, right!?!?
more f-ed up stories to come, next time, 2 stories about what 2 of my fellow 1Ls did when they were drunk...more like cautionary tales really...