Time and time again we are told that life is about the journey, not the destination; this is true in literature, poetry, music, and art works of all sort. My thing is; you never undertake a journey without knowing the destination. So if life is a journey, where are we going??!?!
Heeeeres my take on it: The destination in life is goodness and wisdom-- the good life. There is no path to get there, no map or road; we get there by daily winning our interior struggles. We all wage internal battles on a daily basis; it's how we rise to fight our self adversaries that determines whether or not we reach our destination.
There is a story in Native American folklore that speaks volumes to this concept. A Native American man is talking to his grandson:"There are two wild animals inside of me. One is greedy, cruel, and hateful. The other is generous, compassionate, and loving. They are constantly at battle; they fight every moment I am awake". Upon hearing this the grandson asks "Grandfather, which one wins?" To which the grandfather responds: "Whichever one I feed".
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